Advokaten — Keckeis Fiel Scheidbach OG
Advokaten — Keckeis Fiel Scheidbach OG

Your Lawyers in Feldkirch und Sulz

This reference to attorneys, which is written almost identically in most European countries, has its roots in the Latin word “advocatus”. Loosely translated, this means “the summoned one”. In the most fundamental sense of the word, we assist you when we are summoned.

The Advocates
Dr. Gerhard Scheidbach / Dr. Martin Fiel / Dr. Andrea Höfle-Stenech LLM / Dr. Günther Keckeis

Offices in Feldkirch and Sulz

We can be found in our main office in Feldkirch and in our branch office in Sulz, but we are also happy to come to you. We also offer our services in English and Italian.

The III pillars stand for

  • Counsel in economic, familial and proprietary matters

  • Representation in proceedings before all authorities and courts

  • Assistance in planning and implementing significant legal decisions in your professional and personal life